Monday, September 6, 2010

Any better?

Today was a sad day. My Sophie, who has the will and determination of an ARMY fighter pilot, has given me no choice, but to try new things for lunch and dinner. We go in cycles of shredded turkey and chicken deli meat, grilled chicken, mac n' cheese, Gerber meat name it. So today, before leaving for a few hours to run some errands with the family, I thought, "let's try PB&J!" Deep inside, I thought, "No way, she's too young for this. This is a kindergarten lunch." So I guess, I was secretly hoping she wouldn't like it, thus, meaning she was too young. WRONG! We ran a few errands and stopped for lunch. We all sat after making our first trip to the buffet line (we went to Souper Salad), put Sophia in a high chair and placed her sandwich in front of her. She went to town. I had it all cut up in triangles too! She thought it was the greatest. Even better, was when she figured out how to "open" the sandwich to lick all the jelly off! Is this happening? Does my toddler already like PB&J? I feel like I'm days away from checking her backpack for her homework from school and weeks away from handing her the keys to the car and saying, "buckle up!" To the Moms out there: does this get any better? Scratch that, don't tell me. I don't want to know. I don't want to hear that you just potty trained your 18 year old "yesterday." Or that you walked your 21 year old to Kindergarten "last week." I have to stay focused and know, that everyday is truly better than the day before, because God gave me another chance today to be a better Mom than yesterday.


  1. OMG! I so didn't even know you were prego! That is so exciting! You are braver than I. I enjoyed reading your blog. I don't update mine much and I am pretty sure I am talking to myself but it is kind of therapeutic to write!

  2. OH and I feel the same way, I feel like time is just zooming by and I am standing still trying to figure out where it went! My little boy is going to be getting married and having his own babies next week! Hahahaa!
